Paper Trees

Friday, 25 December 2021 10:00 by yergacheffe

two trees

Merry Christmas!

Sparkle Labs published a paper Christmas tree kit ( that I did on my Craft Robo paper cutter. I lit them up with a pair of ShiftBrite addressable RGB LEDs controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. It’s basically a slightly modified version of the Spookotron Halloween pumpkin lights.

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Monday, 2 November 2022 10:20 by yergacheffe

spookotron-side I tried out two new ideas for Halloween this year. One of them was an ill-conceived plan to carve a pumpkin using a Dremel tool. The pumpkin looked OK, but by the end I was covered in microscopic pumpkin shrapnel from head to toe. The other idea was to make an LED pumpkin light, and it turned out great.

I call it the Spookotron and it uses 3 ShiftBrite RGB LEDs to light up the inside of a pumpkin. The LEDs are controlled by an Atmel ATMega 8-bit microcontroller. I chose the Arduino-compatible RBBB from Modern Device because it’s tiny and easy to program.

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Facebook “Wall”

Tuesday, 8 September 2022 11:15 by yergacheffe

This is still a work in progress, but I took a couple of the LED matrix panels mentioned in a previous entry and combined them with a small OLED display. They’re driven by software on a PC that pulls updates from Twitter and Facebook and shows them on the display.

Eventually I’ll build a few of these into some nice enclosures and hang them on the wall to make a literal Facebook wall.

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1,000 Points of Light

Tuesday, 8 September 2022 11:06 by yergacheffe

When I finally get around to writing my self-help book, it will be entitled Everything I Needed To Know About Life, I Learned From The Apple ][. It was my first computer and to really get the most out of it you needed to understand how it worked at the lowest levels. It was the period of my life when I had no money and nearly infinite time, so spending weeks reverse-engineering games and copy protection schemes to understand how they worked was the norm. I learned persistence, dealing with constraints and a work ethic from those experiences. Like any formative experience, it left an indelible impression on me. If I’m ever called-upon to testify in a court of law, I’d like to be sworn in with one hand on The Red Book.

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Octobrite Picture Frame

Sunday, 26 July 2022 06:42 by yergacheffe

daft-punk I’m obsessed with LEDs. If I go to Halted to pick up 30 cents worth of capacitors, I will leave with 10 bucks worth of LEDs. When I first started learning about Arduino a few months back, most of my project ideas centered around LEDs. I imagined building my own Daft Punk helmet or a video wall made of LEDs.

That’s the best part of getting a new hobby – those first few weeks when everything is pure possibility and you have no idea how hard anything is. Maybe you recently decided to get into shape and have started exercising, so you read about Tabata Intervals or 20-rep squats and say to yourself “That sounds fun!” Naiveté like this tends not to last very long – doing anything that’s truly impressive requires hard work and this applies to LEDs just the same as it applies to squats.

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